Goddess for Organizations

A scientific and unique methodology for sustainability, gender and equality

Transforming the culture of the organization and employee mindset for equality and women empowerment.

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Benefits for Employees
Women's Holistic Health Education
Increased awareness and know-how on mind, body and soul of women.
Better Physical Health
o Support women with complementary and preventive practices for all their physical challenges and cycles.
Self-discipline for self care
Providing coaching and practices through technology.
Skill Development and Education
Improved self-confidence, self-awareness, goal setting, achievement drive, initiative taking, and communication skills.
Better Emotional Health
Balanced relationship management for the whole life wheel of women and strengthening resilience of women everywhere.
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Benefits for Organizations
Increased number of women in the pipeline
Engaging women more in leadership and expertise roles in terms of quantity.
Boosting diversity and inclusion
Ensuring women's participation at every stage of human resources policies, from recruitment and hiring to career development and leadership roles.
Support Sustainable Solutions for women
Cost, energy, and time savings with all-in-one solutions.
Enhancing feminine competencies for the organization
Empowering women and contributing with their qualities.
Community and Sisterhood in Organization
Increased communication and collaboration enhance interaction among employees, improve teamwork capabilities, and foster stronger bonds within the organization.
Organizational Reputation
Enhanced the reputation of organizations by demonstrating a commitment to gender equality, sustainability, and well-being to attract and retain talent.

Let the numbers talk!

Transformative and measurable impact on women well-being and empowerment.


Empowered Woman


Women improved their
Emotional & Mental Health


Women improved their
Physical Health

"After our cooperation that started at the beginning of the year, the app was received very positively and is a new companion for the Zurich Women, based on recent feedback. This innovation brought by Goddess to the "mental health" apps, which are indispensable for achieving employee loyalty and productivity, is revolutionary. Congratulations."

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Esra Bozkurt

COO - Deputy CEO at Zurich Sigorta

Bring Goddess to your organization
Connect with our Goddess specialists today and see how we can help you prioritize mental health initiatives.
Contact with us