Healthy people, Healthy business.

We help insurance companies to support their policyholders with preventive and supportive health care solutions.

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Benefits for Organizations
Cost Savings
Reduced Claims Costs: Complementary health solutions can help manage chronic conditions and prevent illness, potentially reducing the frequency and cost of claims. Preventive Care: Emphasizing preventive care through complementary therapies can lead to fewer expensive medical interventions and hospitalizations.
Enhanced Customer Satisfaction
ncreased Choice: Offering complementary health options provides policyholders with a wider range of treatment choices, enhancing their satisfaction with the insurance plan. Personalized Care: Complementary therapies often offer personalized care, which can increase policyholder satisfaction and loyalty.
Healthier Policyholders
Wellness Programs: Complementary health solutions can be part of wellness programs that improve policyholders’ overall health, reducing the incidence of serious health issues. Preventive Health Measures: Encouraging preventive health measures through complementary therapies can lead to a healthier insured population.
Data and Insights
Health Data Collection: Offering complementary health solutions provides additional data points on policyholders’ health behaviors and outcomes, enhancing risk assessment and management. Improved Analytics: Analyzing the impact of complementary therapies on health outcomes can provide insights that inform policy development and pricing strategies.
Improved Health Outcomes
Holistic Management: Integrating complementary therapies with conventional treatments can lead to better overall health outcomes for policyholders, reducing long-term costs. Chronic Disease Management: Complementary health solutions can be effective in managing chronic diseases, leading to fewer complications and lower health care costs.
Competitive Advantage
Differentiation: Including complementary health solutions in insurance plans can differentiate the company from competitors, attracting new customers. Market Appeal: Health insurance plans that cover complementary therapies may appeal to a broader market, including those who prefer holistic and alternative treatments.
Risk Management
Early Intervention: Complementary health solutions often focus on early intervention and prevention, which can mitigate the risk of developing severe health conditions. Lower Risk Profiles: Healthier policyholders who engage in preventive and complementary health practices may present lower risk profiles, benefiting the insurance company.

Let the numbers talk!

Transformative and measurable impact on women well-being and empowerment.


Empowered Woman


Women improved their
Emotional & Mental Health


Women improved their
Physical Health

"After our cooperation that started at the beginning of the year, the app was received very positively and is a new companion for the Zurich Women, based on recent feedback. This innovation brought by Goddess to the "mental health" apps, which are indispensable for achieving employee loyalty and productivity, is revolutionary. Congratulations."

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Esra Bozkurt

COO - Deputy CEO at Zurich Sigorta

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Connect with our Goddess specialists today and see how we can help you prioritize mental health initiatives.
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